
Last update: December 16th 2023

The website located at https://www.enspirit.dev (hereafter referred to as “Website”) is the initiative of:

Enspirit SRL (hereafter referred to as “Enspirit” and “We”)
98 Chaussée De Chastre, 5140 Sombreffe, Belgium
VAT BE0558.926.866
+32 (0)71  49 71 47 (support)
+32 (0)477 24 58 61 (contact)


Use of the Website presupposes rights and obligations defined in this disclaimer (the “Disclaimer”) as well as in our Cookie Policy and our Privacy Notice. Together these documents make up our “Terms and Conditions” (hereafter referred to as “Conditions”).

The Conditions apply to us, Enspirit SRL, as well as to you, the user. You are considered a user as soon as you visit our Website.

As soon as you use our Website, you expressly understand and accept that our Conditions apply, take precedence over any other general conditions and that any of your own terms and conditions do not apply. We therefore recommend you to read the Conditions.

In exceptional circumstances we may act according to a particular modification of the Conditions, but only on condition that any such modification is made in writing, accepted and signed for by all parties concerned. Any such modification is only pertinent to its associated clause and does not affect any other clause in the Conditions.

Our Website

Proper functioning, security and accessibility

We take all reasonable and necessary measures to ensure the proper functioning, security and accessibility of our Website and Software, nevertheless we cannot absolutely guarantee continuous operation nor that any flaws are immediately solved, nor that the Website and the server hosting it are completely free from viruses or other malicious elements. This is an obligation of means and not of result.

These security measures guarantee a level of security adapted to the risks of data processing. To determine adequate security measures, the parties take into account technical considerations, costs and the nature, scope, context and implications of data processing as well as the risks for the rights and freedoms of those concerned.

All use of the Website is made at the user’s own risk. We cannot be held responsible for any damage proceeding from possible malfunction, interruption, fault or other detrimental element present on the Website or for direct or indirect damage associated with use of the Website.

Enspirit SRL reserves the right to restrict access to the Website, or to interrupt the functioning of the Website, in whole or in part, at any time, without any prior notification.

To ensure the correct functioning of the Website, Enspirit SRL reserves the right at any moment to publish new versions, updates and releases of the Website. These Conditions continue to be applicable in their entirety to all new versions.

Website content

Enspirit SRL determines most of the content of the Website and takes great care of the information found on them. Enspirit SRL takes all possible measures to keep the information on the Website as complete, accurate and up to date as possible, even where this information is provided by third parties. Enspirit SRL reserves the right to modify, develop or delete at any moment the Website and its content, without any direct or indirect liability.

The Website and associated services is offered “as is” and “as available”. Enspirit SRL cannot offer any guarantee concerning the quality of the information found on the Website. It is possible that information may not always be complete, accurate or up to date. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible for any damage, whether direct or indirect, tangible or intangible, the user may experience proceeding from any information present on the Website.

If any content on the Website violates applicable laws and/or the rights of third parties and/or is unethical, please inform us and Enspirit SRL will take appropriate measures. Notably Enspirit SRL may partially or totally delete such content.

The Website contain downloadable content. Any download from the Website is always made at the user’s risk. Enspirit SRL cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for any damage, whether direct or indirect, tangible or intangible proceeding from a download.

Enspirit SRL cannot and may not be held responsible for any loss and/or damage of any kind resulting from the suspension, interruption, (technical) interference, delay, difficult access and/or blocked access to whole or part of the Website, or any virus or other malicious elements present on the Website.

Users who notice the presence of viruses or other malware on the Website are kindly asked to notify Enspirit SRL thereof on the following address: (security@enspirit.dev in order to enable Enspirit SRL to take appropriate measures. Enspirit SRL advises users to install proper firewalls, antiviruses and other software on their end-user devices to protect them from any damage.

The Website and its components and all information, software, installations and services pertaining to it are delivered as such, as available without any guarantees (not explicit, nor implied).

Enspirit SRL is not responsible either if a force majeure event causes disruption to the Website.

In order to be valid, any possible complaint by the user relating to the Website must be communicated in writing within eight (8) calendar days of becoming aware of the fact which gives rise to the complaint. The absence of any complaint in accordance with the aforementioned rules entails the unconditional and unreserved acceptance by the user of the fact that gives rise to the complaint and, de facto, the definitive renunciation of any claim on this account.

The user’s responsibility

The user has a certain responsibility for the proper functioning of the Website. At all times the user must comply himself/herself with applicable law and abstain from any action that may jeopardise the proper functioning, security and use of the Website. For example the Website may not be used in attempts to circumvent our Business Model and/or to harvest information about other users.

If a user contravenes the Conditions, breaks the law, encroaches on the rights of third parties or goes against the general principles of the Internet, Enspirit SRL reserves the right to take all reasonable and appropriate measures. Notably Enspirit SRL may, temporarily or definitively, block a user’s right of use. Enspirit SRL is not obliged to inform a user in advance of such measures being taken. If a user believes that measures have been taken unjustly, they may let Enspirit SRL know in writing (see address above) or by email (info@enspirit.dev). Enspirit SRL is in no way obliged to stop any measures that have been taken and may not be held to any kind of indemnity for this.

Notably it is forbidden to use the Website to spread content that may damage Enspirit SRL or other users, such as malware and computer viruses. Is also forbidden the use of the Website for non-solicited and/or commercial messages, undesirable emails, spam and chain letters.

Enspirit SRL reserves the right to take all necessary measures, both immediately practical and via legal channels, to resolve such issues for itself and for its users. Personally and exclusively, the user is fully responsible for any of their actions and/or behaviour that damage the Website, Enspirit SRL or other users. In this case the user at fault understands and accepts that Enspirit SRL is exonerated from any associated complaint or damage.

Users are not authorised to modify the Website. If a user does this Enspirit SRL is in no way responsible for any damage that may occur due to such modifications.

The Website may contain links or hyperlinks to external websites. These links do not automatically imply that there is a relationship between Enspirit SRL and the external websites or that Enspirit SRL has checked or agrees with the content on the external websites.

Enspirit SRL has no control over external websites. We therefore are not responsible for the (dys)functioning of hyperlinks and their destinations. From the moment a user clicks on a link, they leave our Website. Therefore, we may not be held responsible in case of any damage either.

It is likely that external websites do not offer the same guarantees as Enspirit SRL. We suggest therefore that the user of any external website carefully reads the website’s terms and conditions as well as their disclaimer and privacy notices.

Intellectual Property

The content we publish on the Website may be protected by intellectual property rights (more specifically copyrights and neighbouring rights, trademark rights, etc) that are owned by Enspirit SRL. “Content” includes information, logos, branding, models, slogans, databases, texts, designs, pictures, videos, etc. that are available on the Website. The technical character of the Website, including the code of the Website itself, is also protected by intellectual property rights.

By visiting the Website, the user is granted a limited right to access, use and display the Website and their content. This right is granted for an indefinite duration, in a non-exclusive manner, is non-transferable, revocable at all times without any reason and only covers personal and non-commercial use. Unless there is prior written agreement from Enspirit SRL, users are not authorised to modify, reproduce, translate, distribute, sell, borrow, rent or publish to the public any part, or all, of the protected elements.

The content of the Website may not be reproduced, used or communicated without prior and written authorisation from Enspirit SRL or from the rightsholder(s), otherwise such actions constitute a violation of copyrights and/or designs and/or trademarks, punishable by the applicable law.

Protection of personal information

The information that you provide in our Website contact form is necessary to the correct functioning of our service. Providing incorrect or false information is considered to be a breach of our Conditions. Users are requested to contact us should they notice any error or incorrect information. The personal information of users is treated in accordance with our Privacy Notice, which may be accessed via the Website.

General Provisions

The failure of Enspirit SRL to avail itself, at a given moment, of a provision of the Conditions shall not be construed as a waiver of its rights thereunder at a later date.

Enspirit SRL reserves the right to modify, expand, delete, limit or interrupt the Website and all associated services at any time without prior notice, without any justifications and without any indemnity being incurred. Our Conditions are governed by Belgian law. All litigation relative to the validity, interpretation and execution of our Conditions will be submitted to the jurisdiction of the courts of Namur, Belgium. The illegality, nullity or invalidity of any part or whole of any clause from the Conditions in no way affects the validity and application of the other clauses in the Conditions. In such a case we reserve the right to replace an inapplicable clause with another similar clause that is legally valid whose purpose will be as close as possible to that of the provision to be replaced.